Jan 10, 2025
Here are the steps to import an image into Linea for iOS -
- Launch Linea on your device.
- In the Project Picker, choose a New Project or an existing Project and tap the + icon to start a new drawing.
- Tap on one of the Layer icons to open the settings for that layer, tap on Import/Paste and then select from one of the following options -
- Import from Photo Library
- Take a Picture
- Paste from Clipboard
- Browse Files...
After you have chosen one of the above, your image should appear and you can resize, rotate or adjust the aspect ratio of the image. When you are satisfied, you can place the image by tapping on the green check at the top of the display or delete it and choose another by tapping on the red X.
To delete the image before you start drawing, tap on the Layer and then tap Clear.