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Home > xScope > Register xScope version 4 website version using Mac App Store version
Register xScope version 4 website version using Mac App Store version
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Important: These instructions will only work if you've already purchased xScope version 4 on the Mac App Store, and will not work with xScope version 3, which is a paid upgrade.


There are some differences between the versions of xScope availalble on the Mac App Store and the Iconfactory website. If you'd like to switch from the Mac App Store version to the one on our website, follow these steps:


  1. Make sure xScope version 4 has been installed in your /Applications folder by the App Store. Be sure to launch the app at least once so it can be registered using your iTunes account.
  2. Download the Free Trial version of xScope from the product website.
  3. Move the downloaded app from the Downloads folder to your Desktop.
  4. Launch xScope from your Desktop.
  5. You should see a dialog titled "Register xScope" — after you press the "Register" button you will see a confirmation dialog.
  6. Quit all copies of xScope.
  7. Delete the copy of xScope in your /Applications folder and replace it with the one on your Desktop.

If you need a copy of the registration for your records, you can copy and paste it from the window shown when you use the xScope > Purchase and Register xScope…

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