Tapestry's Open Menu lets you interact with any post in the timeline using third party apps. To open a timeline item, tap the Open Icon and Tapestry will hand it off to your favorite third party app.
You can change which apps are used to open items on a feed-by-feed basis. To customize the app that's used, do the following:
• Tap the gear icon to open Settings
• Tap Your Feeds > select the feed you want to customize
• Scroll down to Open In and adjust the selection for how to open the item
Connectors provide apps to use: for example, the Mastodon connector lets you choose Ivory, Ice Cubes, Mona, Mammoth, and Feditext.
If there are no apps provided by the connector, or you have an app that's not listed, you can create your own by selecting Custom.
There are two fields to fill in:
You'll need to know the app's URL scheme: there might be a support document that explains it, or you may need to ask the developer directly.
The URL is constructed with the template and substitution variables. For example, if the item being opened is https://example.com/path/to/resource?test=123
, the substitution variables are:
= https://example.com/path/to/resource?test=123
= example.com/path/to/resource
= /path/to/resource
= https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fresource%3Ftest=123
= test=123
If the app you want to use supports "universal links", the template you want to use is simply __URL__
The pattern is a regular expression that specifies when the template should be used to open an item. For example, if you want the template to be used on both "mysite.com" and "www.mysite.com", you'd use:
A more sophisticated pattern is needed to match federated systems, such as Mastodon: