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Home > Tapestry > Running Tapestry iOS app on macOS
Running Tapestry iOS app on macOS
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If you have a Mac with Apple Silicon, you have the ability to run the Tapestry iOS app. The app runs in an emulation mode where you get a resizable iPad app. This app is not a native and has some rough edges.


Generally, the emulation works well but here are some things to watch out for:


  • By default, links open in Tapestry, so you'll see a "Link opened in Safari" a lot. You can avoid this dialog by using Settings > Behavior > Open Links and choosing "Safari".
  • Sharing is buggy and can crash the emulation (it's an Apple bug). We recommend installing Shareful if you want to copy images, share links, etc.
  • There is no keyboard navigation in the timeline, media viewer, etc. This is the part that bugs us the most, and we tried to fix it, and we failed.
  • Dropdown menus, such as the timeline menu, look a lot different and are missing some styling, but they work OK.
  • The timeline marker only updates when the app is hidden, not when the window moves behind another. If you want to sync the marker, use Cmd-H.
  • Popup panels for ALT text are drawn incorrectly. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about that.
  • Text in the timeline is a bit small, and there is no way to adjust the font size on macOS. A good workaround, for Tapestry and other iOS apps that have the same problem, is to use PixelPerfect to adjust the UI scaling for the emulation.


We are planning on making a native macOS app, but you can use this emulation mode until that product is ready.


We do not currently offer technical support on the emulated version of Tapestry for macOS.


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