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Home > Tapestry > Customizing and Editing Tapestry Feeds
Customizing and Editing Tapestry Feeds
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Each feed in Tapestry can be edited and customized to your personal preference including its name, color, the way it opens items, and more.


Customizing some aspects of a feed, such as its display color, requires Tapestry Premium

To customize a feed do the following:

• Tap the gear icon to open Settings

• Tap Your Feeds
• Select the feed you want to customize or edit

In this view, you can edit how a feed's name appears in the timeline as well as what color you want timeline items displayed in. You can also select what application will open a feed item. The application to open items can be a third-party Mastodon app (for example, Tapbot's Ivory) or your favorite browser for blog feeds.

For more information on opening items in third-party apps, see this KB article.

Finally, you can temporarily disable a feed that may be slow or giving you trouble by setting its Refresh preference from Automatic to Disabled.

Once you have edited a feed be sure to tap Save at the top right of the screen to apply any changes before you exit Settings.

This view can also be used to Delete the feed (before you make any changes).


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