How does Tapestry's reading position marker work?
The reading position marker is represented in the timeline by the three purple dots you see on the left side of the screen. It typically falls between posts and represents the current saved, synced reading position. The position is saved on iOS whenever you:
• Change timelines
• Put the app into the background
• Switch to another app
When saved, the reading position is synced to your iCloud. Then, if you launch Tapestry on another device like an iPad, after the timeline refreshes the timeline position will jump to the marker so you can continue reading right where you left off.
Sometimes you may be reading and after a while in a single session wish to jump back to the original marker position you started at. Tap the Timeline menu and select Jump Back to instantly return to this original position. It lets you jump from any other point in the timeline back to the marker quickly which can come in handy sometimes.