What are the keyboard shortcuts for Linea Sketch for iOS?
The following list shows keyboard shortcuts that can be used while Linea Sketch is active and a physical keyboard is attached or paired with an iPad.
Drawing Tools
T: Technical Pencil
A: Art Pencil
P: Pen
M: Marker
W: Watercolor Brush
B: Blending Tool F: Fill Tool E: Eraser
/: Switch to Previous Tool
Command-0: Toggle Annotations On/Off
Command-1: Layer 1
Command-2: Layer 2
Command-3: Layer 3
Command-4: Layer 4
Command-5: Layer 5
Command-Up: Activate Next Layer Above
Command-Down: Activate Next Layer Below
Command-]: Bring Layer Forward
Command-[: Send Layer Backward
Command-E: Merge Layer Down
Command-Delete: Clear Layer
Command-Z: Undo
Command-Shift-Z: Redo
Tab: Hide/Show Panels R: Reset Canvas
Command-L: Lock Canvas
Command-Shift-H: Flip Canvas Horizontal
Command-Shift-V: Flip Canvas Vertical
Command-W: Close Project