Bandwidth usage varies between stations, but most fall in the 128 Kbps and 320 Kbps range. The data usage for a 128 kbps audio stream is approximately 57 MB per hour. You will use approximately 1 GB of data for every 17 hours you listen to Triode. By contrast, 15 minutes of HD video on Netflix uses the same amount …
I've edited or removed location information from a photo using Exify but when I import the image into Lightroom (or other apps) the edited info does not persist. Why? Exify's edited location information doesn't get removed or alterned when you transfer the image to Lightroom, Photos, or any other app on the Mac. Tha…
We here at the Iconfactory have no desire to collect your data, share it with others, or use it in any way, shape, or form. We value our own privacy and extend that philosophy to the privacy of others including those who use our software. We encourage you to read our official privacy policy for a deep dive into h…