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Home > Tapestry > Suspicious Network Activity
Suspicious Network Activity
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Why am I seeing content warnings (such as DeepSeek)? Does Tapestry use AI?


We don’t use AI in any of our products. Our commitment to privacy prevents that.


If your mobile device or computer gives you warnings about accessing blocked websites, such as DeepSeek, it is most likely because this site was linked to by another site (an article in Daring Fireball, for example). We take links from a feed’s content and select one for a "link preview" that appears in the Tapestry timeline. To generate this preview, we load the link’s content. This is all done on device so there’s no server tracking the activity (e.g. it’s completely private).


There’s not a whole lot we can do about this in Tapestry - we could block link previews altogether, but this would prevent them appearing in places where they are useful. Adding a block list to the app would mean that you would have to manage two sets of data: one for your content blocker (e.g. ScreenTime) and another for Tapestry. You could also stop following Daring Fireball, or any other social media, but that's not recommended.


The best solution is to modify the rules that are used for the content warnings (e.g. ScreenTime). The top-level URL isn’t accessing the API, so you’d need to use one of the endpoints like “/chat” instead. It would also be possible to inspect the HTTP Authorization header and look for a “Bearer” token (that the API requires). These improved checks could also be used for OpenAI and others since they often share common endpoints.


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